I’m Communicating With You by Using Words Because I Can

The bond created between the reader and the writer is special

Henya Drescher
4 min readJul 3, 2022


Writing a Torah, courtesy of Wikimedia

In the shop, we buy and sell them, but in truth, books have no owner. Every book you see here has been somebody’s best friend.” — Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Novels are possibly the most intimate means we humans have conceived for understanding a stranger’s thinking.

Shaped by formal standards, experimentation, and cultural and social influence, Novels have a long, rich history. Authors use novels to tell detailed stories about the human condition, society, history, and morality through various genres and styles. Our brains seem uniquely adapted to making sense of experience through stories. And in Aristotle thinking, only a person with experience could practice practical wisdom. We tell stories and listen to them; even a sacred text such as the Bible pursues to make meaning of the world through stories.

The relationship between audience and author has been explored, from classical rhetoric to the twenty-first century. Much remains to learn about this relationship, as evidenced by the continued interest and diverse opinions about…



Henya Drescher

Psychological thrillers writer, wife, mother, weightlifter, gardener. Stolen Truth on Amazon.