Political Bullying, Intimidation, and Cancel Culture

To the political haters of the world who like to bully because our thinking is not in line with theirs

Henya Drescher



On Medium, a woman tore into me, confident that her beliefs were unquestionable while mine were flawed. She viciously tore me down for having the audacity to write a positive article about Trump, and then proceeded to erase me from existence. She was proud to be able to do that. In her eyes I had committed some unforgivable crime, and she deemed it necessary to cancel me.

While the person who attacked me holds no importance in my life, the incident did give me pause.

The raging beast of cancel culture runs rampant, devouring anyone who dares to stray from its ever-changing rules and expectations. No one is safe from its scathing grasp. What started as a noble crusade for social justice and holding the powerful accountable has devolved into a ruthless weapon of cancelling and deleting.

Our society has become addicted to tearing down individuals instead of addressing larger societal issues. It masquerades as a means of social justice, yet it silences opposing voices and creates a dangerous echo chamber where dissent is not tolerated.



Henya Drescher

Psychological thrillers writer, wife, mother, weightlifter, gardener. Stolen Truth on Amazon.